Red Orchestra 2 Cheat Code Heroes of Stalingrad Update 2 and 3 Fred Brooks observed that the complexity of a project increases as the square of the number of participants. When only a few people are involved, everyone can easily talk to everyone else, but when hundreds of people are involved, it is no longer possible for each person to remain constantly aware of what everyone else is doing.
Red Orchestra 2 Cheat Code If good free software project management is about making everyone feel like they're all working together in the same room, the obvious question is: what happens when everyone in a crowded room tries to talk at once. This problem is not new. In non-metaphorical crowded rooms, the solution is parliamentary procedure: formal guidelines for how to have real-time discussions in large groups, how to make sure important dissents are not lost in floods of "me-too" comments, how to form subcommittees,
Red Orchestra 2 Cheat Code how to recognize when decisions are made, etc.