Afterfall InSanity Cheat Code If people have faith in that, they will take the time to figure things out; if they don't have that faith, no amount of developer documentation will get or keep them. So if you have time to write documentation for only one audience, write it for users. All user documentation is, in effect, developer documentation as well; any programmer who's going to work on a piece of software will need to be familiar with how to use it. Afterfall InSanity Cheat Code Later, when you see programmers asking the same questions over and over, take the time to write up some separate documents just for them. Some projects use Disney Universe Cheat Code wikis for their initial documentation, or even as their primary documentation. In my experience, this really only works if the wiki is actively edited by Afterfall InSanity Cheat Code a few people who agree on how the documentation is to be organized and what sort of "voice" it should have.