Driver: San Francisco Crack Skidrow General category of problems that may be called "failures of cultural navigation." Ten years ago, even five, it would have been premature to talk about a global culture of free software, but not anymore. A recognizable culture has slowly emerged, and while it is certainly not monolithic—it is at least as prone to internal dissent and factionalism as any geographically bound culture—it does have a basically consistent core. Most successful open source projects exhibit some or all ofthe characteristics of this core. Driver: San Francisco Crack Skidrow They reward certain types of behaviors, and punish others; they create an atmosphere that encourages unplanned participation, sometimes at the expense of central coordination; they have concepts of rudeness and politeness that can differ substantially from those prevalent elsewhere. Most importantly, longtime participants have generally internalized these standards, so that they share a rough consensus about expected conduct. Unsuccessful projects usually deviate in significant ways from this core Driver: San Francisco Crack Skidrow often do not have a consensus about what constitutes reasonable default behavior.
Bridge Architecture Game
12 years ago